ROMOKO illustrator, muralist

Mundo de Referencia
exposición en InkProject 2023

After three years in Chile the talented folks of InkProject invited me to my very first solo exhibition in 2023.

Starting off 2023 like this was fascinating, people still lingering in the New Year’s anxiety getting to their feet again, step by step. So i took this moment to turn it into my very own interpretating of “changes”, reflecting on the fragile construct that we call our reality. 

“Mundo de Referencia” plays with exactly this theme: a world we all percieve differently but we all kind of (dis)agree on; everybody living their on interpretation of what is life, love, reality, questioning the concept of what is life in itself. AI is on the brink of tanking over, the old slogan “a picture says more than a 1,000 words” is not valid anymore. It’s time to take this as a chance, more than a threat, to create a new, beautiful reality.

Article in Spanish: