ROMOKO illustrator, muralist

Mural in Barrio Yungay, Santiag, Chile

Thanks to the invite by Casa Ailanto I got to paint this little quick mural in one of my favourite neighbourhoods in Santiago de Chile. The theme was chosen because Santiago is a city full of concrete, with very little green spaces to let things grow and breathe. Especially in summer this city is turning itself into a sauna, with a lot of heat bouncing off the walls right into your face.

But just in front of this wall, a tiny house with little windows, right there lives a olderly lady (señora Rosa) who is day by day watering a little crack of barely 2m2, turning it into a small little garden, an oasis of green in between all the grey concrete around.

This really got me thinking and inspired me into dedicating this “spirit of protection” to her and the neighbourhood, reminding us there is and has always been more than just layers of concrete, there used to be a lot of soil and life beneath it.